Mission statement:
Scoil Assaim is a primary school under the patronage of the Catholic Archbishop of Dublin.
It operates according to the rules for national schools, laid down by the Department of Education and Science.
Scoil Assaim seeks to provide an appropriate education for all pupils within the school, in line with the school’s Mission Statement:
To educate each child within our care to the best of that child’s ability, and to lead the pupils to early adolescence in the happy development of all their gifts and talents
As a Catholic school, we have the responsibility to ensure that:
• A positive ethos and learning environment is encouraged whereby all pupils, including those with special educational needs, feel welcome and experience a sense of community and belonging
• Our duty of care to pupils and staff is fulfilled to the best of our ability and in line with statutory responsibilities.
• Our practices reflect our belief in our Catholic community and are inspired by the Gospel values of care,respect, dignity, compassion, love and forgiveness.
• The physical, emotional and spiritual well-being of the school community is safeguarded
• An emphasis is placed on promoting pupil participation and active engagement in their learning and in the life of the school
• A commitment is fostered to develop a pupil’s academic, social, emotional and independent living skills
• A focus on high aspirations and on improving outcomes for all pupils is maintained.
Our school is dedicated to the implementation of an effective system for meeting the needs of all our pupils in accordance with our mission statement and the resources provided by the DES and the Board of Management.
We believe that all our pupils have a right to an education, which is appropriate to their individual needs. We strive to ensure that all our children feel that they are a valued part of our school community. We are fully committed to the principle of inclusion. This policy aims to enable children with Special Education Needs (SEN) and children whose first language is not English, to become fully integrated members of our school community. This will be achieved by careful consideration of the needs of each child and by either modifying the environment and their learning experiences or by providing support that will help the child to participate in them.