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Get me out of here...

Scoil Assaim BNS

(01) 8314044
Eircode: D05AW29

We have a very active Parents' Association, who are a huge support to the school.  

If you would like to get involved, please get in touch with the school or contact your class PA rep!

Weekly FYI below....

Friday 10th of January.

Dear parents/guardians,


Welcome back:

We hope you all had  a great Christmas break!  Welcome back to all of the boys this week.  It was a cold one, but thankfully, it's looking like warmer days ahead!



A reminder that smart watches/devices are not permitted in the school.



Our attendance levels in general are quite good.  We need to improve slightly on punctuality so let's start off the new year with that as a target, and get into school, ready to start at 08:50am.  Gates will be open from 08:40am. 



Our student council are running their recycling campaign again.  If you want to send your plastic bottles in for recycling, please do so every Tuesday and Thursday.   The student council are looking to create some art pieces with the bottle caps so if you could remove the caps from the bottles before sending them in, that would be great!



We had hoped to have the newsletter ready before the break, but we now have all submissions in, meaning it will go to print shortly!!



Just to remind everyone to make sure their names are on their coats/jumpers, which will make it easier to find any lost items.  Please also remember to wear the school coats/jumpers in.



GAA sessions will be starting back up again for our junior classes next Friday.



Volleyball has started for 6th class



Our senior basketball team are back in action next week!


As always, have a great weekend!


From all the staff at Scoil Assaim!